Software Engineering
Host Side and Embedded Software Engineering
Finger Lakes Engineering provides both PC-side and Embedded Firmware design services. Finger Lakes Engineering has developed software for a wide variety of platforms ranging from 4-bit embedded processors through Windows GUIs. The software projects have ranged from PCB bring-up/support through product-ready software and firmware.
The following list represents only some of these processor and software targets:
Embedded Software Development
- Atmel Mega128, 8051SND
- AMD GeodeLX800 Bios, O/S, Application development
- Freescale iMX21 and iMX31
- Intel x386, 8051, 80C552
- MicroChip 16F87X Series, dsPIC, and 18F Series
- Motorola DSP 56F80X Series
- PowerPC 404 and 440GP
- Rabbit 2000 Series
- STMicro ST10x272, ST10x262, C161, C167, STR9
- Texas Instruments TMS320, DM6446 Davinci
- Xilinx Microblaze Soft-Processor
- Zilog Z80 Flash Series
PC Software Development
- Windows 95, 98, 2000, and XP
- Microsoft Visual C++, C# (MFC and Win32)
- Microsoft Visual Basic
- Microsoft DirectX
- PCMCIA, Device, and Printer Driver Development
- DLL Development